Terms of Enrollment 1. Enrolled children and I agree to abide by all rules and regulations set by AEC for the health, safety, and welfare of the children and staff at camp. I have read the AEC Camp brochure and hereby give permission for my child/ward to participate in the program. By execution of the application and this Agreement, I confirm my awareness and acknowledge the risks of injury which may be associated with travel and other activities. 2. I agree that, should my child/ward’s conduct, at the sole discretion of AEC, be deemed to be in violation of AEC Camp rules or otherwise detrimental to the maintenance of standards of to the successful operation of the program, AEC, in its sole discretion, may dismiss him/her from the program. The violation of terms and conditions may result in my child/ward’s dismissal without further notice. I further agree that AEC shall have no further responsibility for my child/ward upon his/her dismissal from the program, and I understand that such dismissal may occur at a location far from the child/ward’s home. I affirm that AEC shall have the exclusive authority to determine the manner and means of transporting my child/ward home without supervision, and that all additional expenses (including but not limited to the entire costs of the transportation) shall be borne completely by me, and that AEC shall have no obligation to provide any refund of the fee with respect to any dismissed student. 3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event AEC elects to send my child/ward home with a supervising representative, all expenses of such representatives (including but not limited to the entire costs of the transportation) shall be borne completely by me. Prior to the commencement of the program, I shall sign a credit card authorization to be held by AEC authorizing the payment from my credit card of any such expenses of my child/ward and the AEC representative in the event of the dismissal of my child/ward. I have read the payment policy and refund schedule in the general information section of this brochure and agree to the terms cited. 4. It is understood that the AEC Camp may make use of the students’ photographs and testimony in publicity materials, including the brochure, poster and website, without payment of any consideration, and I hereby grant AEC permission for such use. 5. The camp is not responsible for campers’ equipment or personal belongings while in transit or at camp. 6. I understand that the possession or use of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited. 7. All participants must adhere to all rules of safety and conduct at all times, including those promulgated by AEC, the educational institution, and the jurisdiction where the educational institution is located. 8. I grant my child/ward permission to participate in all Camp activities, including those that take place off the grounds of camp and require transportation, and understand that accidents and injuries may occur in the natural course of participation in such activities. I understand that I am financially responsible for all fees incurred for all AEC Camp activities. 9. I authorize AEC, at its sole discretion, to place my child/ward at my own expense and without any further consent or advance notice in a hospital for medical services and treatment or, if no hospital is readily available, to place my child/ward in the care of a licensed medical doctor for treatment. I hereby grant AEC full authority to take whatever actions it may reasonably consider to be warranted under the circumstances and all expenses involved will be paid by the parent. I have read the above term. I am financially responsible for all fees incurred and agree with all terms of this enrollment agreement. AEC Admissions 67 Mohawk Ave. Norwood, NJ 07648 TEL: (201) 803-2061 E-MAIL: helenkim2002@gmail.com
PERSONAL INTERVIEW An interview, either on campus or with an off-campus admissions representative, is a required component of the application. If you have not already visited the campus, please call or e-mail the admissions office to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to visit campus, a phone interview can be substituted.
Please share with us any academic or personal achievements of which you are especially proud. Please also describe any academic honors received.
We are interested in how you spend your time outside of the classroom. In the grid below, please note your interests and activities in order of importance to you. These may include, but are not limited to academics, athletic involvement, performing and visual arts, music, clubs and organizations, work experience, community service, hobbies, etc. Please indicate Years Involved, Positions, Level, Awards, Leadership, Hours/Week.
The purpose of this part of the application is to allow the Admissions Committee to get to know you as well as possible. There are no right or wrong answers to the following questions. Please simply respond from your own experience. Part I Short Answers Attending school away from your hometown and living in a group setting is a serious commitment. Please share your reason(s) for applying and what you hope to gain from this experience.
Please respond to ONE of the following questions on a separate piece of paper clearly labeled with your name, birth date, “AEC Formal Statement,” and the question number you have selected. Written responses should be approximately 250 words in length. (This can be in Korean, but an English essay will be much preferred.)